Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Faithful Creator

In the Church today there is disconnect between faith and the promises of God. How do we see God? The Church has mostly ceased to see Him as He is and lowered Him. And therefore there is disconnect between faith and the promises of God. Unbelief has a significant impact on the lives of believers. God has given exceedingly great and precious promises! Faith lays hold of God! Without faith everything means nothing, obedience does not create faith, faith creates obedience. Faith is what makes all possible. If you would believe you would see God work. Judgment will begin in the House of the Lord. God brings us through trials to test the quality of your faith and to try you. We must see by faith the sovereign hand of God in our situations. Do not listen to the voices that claim that trials imply that God is not good! Christ prayed that God would glorify His name in the midst of His trial! Do not become unwilling and fearful but walk by faith to the side of the Lord. God is preparing us to leave this world and when we see Him we will understand. By faith one must come to a place where they see the importance of going through trials. We go out into a world that despises God everyday. But how will we face these things? When I am shaken is my faith real to me? Or is my faith only in words? True faith rests in God in the midst of the trial. Be convinced of the sovereign work of God in trials and His providence and care. Do not be ashamed but glorify God! God will try and perfect us. We must live for God and give of ourselves! We must be willing to suffer and be refined in the providence of God because faith has eternal value, it is more precious than gold.

Click here to listen: A Faithful Creator

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