Wednesday, November 18, 2015

He Wholly Followed the Lord

Caleb comes to Joshua at Gilgal with a testimony. Caleb was a man who wholly followed the Lord his God and was promised an inheritance. God had promised the children of Israel the Land of Canaan. There was no room for interpreting the promise any other way! And yet, the children of Israel decided to send spies into the land and Moses agreed. The spies brought back word of the giants in the land and the opposition they would be facing. Ten of the spies began to focus more on the giants than God who had made the giants. Two of the spies continued to focus on God and His promises. Caleb continued to trust God by faith. The rest of the spies focused on what they were unable to do instead of what God was able to do. They were filled with fear and exaggerated the situation before the rest of the congregation. But the congregation was never supposed to take over the Promised Land independently of God! Yet they forgot Him! But Caleb believed in the promises and power of God. Caleb knew that if the Children of Israel obeyed the Lord He would be pleased with them and He would enable them to conquer the Land of Promise! Caleb’s only sense of distrust was for himself and for the rest of the congregation. But the congregation chose to rebel against God and go back to Egypt. Therefore God came in judgment in response to the rejection of the people. But His judgment is just. The congregation would die in the desert and ten of the spies died of the plague. But the children twenty and under were spared and so were Joshua and Caleb. And forty-five years later Caleb entered the Land of Promise! He wholly followed the Lord and overcome the giants that the people of Israel feared!

Click here to listen: He Wholly Followed the Lord

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