Sunday, November 1, 2015

Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord

King Jehoshaphat was a righteous king of Judah. But the combined armies of the Moabites, the Ammonites, and the Edomites were coming against Judah. In response to this Jehoshaphat feared, but then he sought the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout Judah. The people of Judah fasted, gathered together to ask help from the Lord, and sought the Lord. In order to receive an answer from the Lord you must seek the Lord! The people acknowledged their weakness and God’s strength. Then Jehoshaphat prays acknowledging the awesome power of God to save! Then the word of the Lord came upon Jahaziel to answer their cries and to respond to their seeking. Jahaziel speaks a challenge and a promise. The challenge is to trust God by faith; the promise is that the enemies will all be defeated! All they had to do was stand still and see the salvation of the Lord! The people face a crisis. They can either receive the promise through faith, or they can refuse it and trust in themselves. They choose to believe in the promise by faith! Their faith produces assurance, and their assurance leads them to praise and worship! The people go out singing praises to God in front of the army! They sing, “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever!” As they go Jehoshaphat encourages them to believe in the Lord and they will be established and prosper! And when they arrive God had already brought an end to the Moabite Alliance! They believe in the promises by faith and the victory was won! Like the victory won on the cross of Jesus Christ! Enter in by faith and walk in assurance that what God has promised He will fulfill! Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!

Click here to listen: Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord

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