Sunday, November 8, 2015

When I Am Hallowed In You Before Their Eyes

The prophet Ezekiel is speaking of the promise of restoration in the midst of destruction and chaos. We must remember the promise of God even in the darkest hour! The religion and politics during the days of Ezekiel had become corrupted, but the darkest of nights are followed by a sunrise. Remain steadfast and hold onto the promises of God. God is sovereign over all things and He reigns! He has a purpose and a plan in mind. For His Name sake and for His glory God desires to show His redemptive might in the earth. God is glorified when His people hallow His name and the people sanctify His Name! We cannot fear the hand of the Lord because He will restore us! God desires to bring His people into fellowship with Himself after cleansing us! God does this work when one comes to Him by faith. God fills us with His Spirit after He removes the corruption from our hearts. He gives us a new spirit and a new heart.. We must trust Him in a spirit of humility, consecration, and love. God makes us a sanctuary through pain and suffering, and it is only by His Spirit that we will overcome. We must lay our lives before Him and allow Him to do the work. God reclaims what belongs to Him. We must realize the enormity of our guilt and come to Him in repentance. We must look to Him and walk in dependence upon Him everyday. God will rebuild us and renew us. We must allow Him to restore us so we can restore the world around us. The purpose of God is a restored life. The greatest witness to the world is a restored life and a revived Church. All the nations will see and know that God has rent the heavens and come down when the desolation of sin is removed and a people are formed in His image.

Click here to listen: When I Am Hallowed In You Before Their Eyes

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