Sunday, October 25, 2015

You Are Not In Darkness

The Thessalonians were converts from idolatry, they were eager to receive the Gospel, and they were young in the faith. Paul exhorted them to go on to holiness and be watchful and prepared for the coming of the Lord. Don’t ever forget your purpose and calling or you will lose your spiritual fervor. We must not seek to trouble ourselves with things beyond what we are able to handle and understand. Sometimes it is better not to know. We must be ready. We are to walk by faith and grow in proper and practical ways. Learn to live by faith one step at a time. Apply and grow in what you have heard. Often the Disciples were concerned with things beyond them, but Jesus told them to watch and pray. Do not become comfortable in this world! Do not be concerned or worried about things you cannot control. Be ready and be faithful in the small everyday things. When you feel the most secure you are in the greatest danger. Do not rest, lose focus, or lose heart. God calls us to awake and not sleep! God has given us grace so we can make it. We must take the promises of God by faith and press on to the end. We must learn to be in the world but not of it. Remain awake and not careless in the things of God. Do not get caught in “End Times” fads, but be prepared for His coming by loving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength! Do not make excuses for your weakness but instead draw upon grace. Do not be fearful! Do not remain a babe! Do not be afraid to live and to act upon the promises of God. God desires complete restoration in the lives of believers, but we must live in faithful cooperation by faith in order for Him to do the work. It is time to awake out of sleep!

Click here to listen: You Are Not In Darkness

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