Sunday, November 15, 2015

Try Me Now In This Says the Lord

Malachi prophesied at a time when spiritual fervor had died away. Worship of God at the Temple had become lazy, half-hearted, mechanical, and slothful. Self-deceit and ungratefulness had led to laziness among the people. We must learn to give attention to all that God speaks lest we fall away as the church did in the days of Malachi. God is concerned with the inner man. The people had become discontent and unsatisfied. But the Lord is sending a prophetic messenger to prepare the way of the Lord. God will come to those who seek Him. He comes to sift, to cleanse, and to make His people pure. We either expect this coming or live in fear of this coming. This judgment must begin in the house of God! God comes to purify His people. When this takes place the pressure and the heat are almost unbearable, but the Christian must go on following Him so all the dross can be removed. God comes to make holy, He sifts, and He purifies to make ready a life to be offered to Him. What God is concerned about is not the offering but the heart of the one who is doing the offering. God calls His church in every age to return to Him. But often the church refuses, motivated by a proud attitude. They often prefer to hide rather than yield to His work. God is looking for people that He can show Himself mighty through. He is calling His church to restoration and revival. If we would be restored to God we will know the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! We will experience a revival of holy love! There will be victory and fruitfulness! God will pour His blessing into our lives so we can bless others. Only then will the storehouses of our hearts be filled. Only then will we experience a true revival.

Click here to listen: Try Me Now In This Says the Lord

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