Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Man After God's Own Heart

David was called a man after God’s own heart because he sought to know God. He allowed nothing to completely sever him from God. David’s heart was after God’s heart, his desire was for God and he did not turn away to idols or to self. Beware of the cares and pleasures of life! Our hearts must be set to know and love God in all things. Even when we fall we must repent in order to be restored. David sinned and made mistakes but he repented and went on in his pursuit of God. Forgiveness of sin begins by acknowledging sin. God will hear the cry of the truly penitent. God is willing to forgive and transform anyone who comes to Him by grace. David cries out for purity and holiness. David knows that only God can do this work in him! David experienced a complete repentance of heart. He did not value himself or his reputation. He was broken only because his fellowship with God was broken. David lays waste to any self-righteous claims. The Church must be honest and deal with sin! Sin must be spoken against and people must be honest with themselves. The heart must be open and exposed to God. We must be honest with who we are and in our struggles. God can overcome these things in us. The reality of failure must drive us to the cross. We must not hide like Adam did. We must come to God in honesty and truth. If you want to be clean come to Christ and be made clean. God makes clean and restores. He does not delight in the loss of anyone. The greatest treasure is to know God. Do not allow your joy to be cluttered and choked. Let God alone be our end and our pearl of great price. We must realize we are nothing without Him. May we walk all of our days seeking to grow in love for God.

Click here to listen: A Man After God's Own Heart

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