Sunday, October 18, 2015

I Will Stand My Watch

Habakkuk was a man who was seeking God during some of the darkest days in the history of the Kingdom of Judah. He saw that the nation of Judah had backslidden and was grieved and burdened for revival as he looked around at the sinful society. He asks God how long this would go on. God responds by saying He is rising up the Chaldeans to destroy Judah. Habakkuk responds to this with hope and faith even in the midst of his situation. He knows that God will preserve a remnant. He knows that God is a holy God and will punish all sin, the sin of Judah and the sin of the Chaldeans. God entrusts Habakkuk with a vision that is for an appointed time that no one knows except for God. He reveals to him the coming judgment, and he is instructed to write the vision and make it plain so others may read it and flee for safety. Habakkuk is called to be faithful to the vision that God had given and to walk by faith, knowing that God will fulfill the vision that He has given in His timing and as He wills. The only way for the prophet to be faithful to the vision is to walk by faith. God tells Habakkuk that the proud will be brought down, but the just shall live by faith. The just persevere in faith and keep their faith alive. Faith is the source of both justification and sanctification. But by the third chapter of Habakkuk the prophet appears to be waning in his faith. He looks to God to do what him himself has been entrusted to do. He becomes discouraged. Then God reveals Himself to the prophet in a sovereign and awesome way! Habakkuk is humbled by this and rejoices in the Lord and finds joy in God even in the midst of an impossible situation that is completely out of His control.

Click here to listen: I Will Stand My Watch

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