Sunday, October 11, 2015

Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to You

The world consists of the lush of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Pride is the root of all that is opposed to God. It is egocentrism, putting self first, and an attitude of “look at me.” It is all those who have their eyes on this world and refuse to humble themselves. Pride is the opposite of humility and today this worldly mind is dominant. Anyone who has become an enemy of God will not live eternally with God. Humanity has no eternal life in them without the presence of Christ. God yearns jealously for the love of all mankind. He demands that there would be no other gods before Him! But God is no longer honored or obeyed. Instead of obedience to God, people seek after the world. The glory of God is departing. There is even inconsistency in the supposed Church. People are willing to sell their soul for the world. But to place temporary things before God is death. Everything in the world is dying and all pleasure is passing away. But those who seek holiness base their lives on obedience to God. The world is passing away but those who do the will of God abide forever. Worldliness is anything that makes one lose love for God. Beware of any kind of worldliness! If you lust after the things of the world you will lose sight of God! The world has drifted away from the teachings of Christ. Antichrist is anything or anyone who opposes Christ. The majority of the human race is antichrist today. The great falling away has begun! If one does not want to go to hell they must walk in faith and obedience. The only way revival will come is when we humble ourselves, pray, and turn from our wicked ways. This is the only way that God can heal our land.

Click here to listen: Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to You

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