Saturday, September 26, 2015

We Do Not Lose Heart

Paul writes to the Corinthians, “We do not lose heart.” Although there are many reasons for discouragement in every Christian’s situation no one should quit. Every Christian must continually remind themselves that they have been entrusted with the glorious ministry that brings lost people, life, salvation, and righteousness. When Christ possesses a person God gives that individual faith, power, and assurance. The Christian is to use the abilities God has given to bring glory and honor to the Lord. The Christian should never lose heart because Jesus promised that after we have finished our stay here on the earth He has prepared a place for us in Heaven. The born again Christian who goes on trusting in Christ by faith should never lose heart. Even though a Christian may face numerous troubles where the “outward man” may be destroyed, the “inward man” is being renewed day by day. Christians are renewed day by day by holding on to the eternal promises that are theirs if they continue to live by the will of God. Even though our bodies are dying the soul is immortal and God promises to grant all believers a resurrected body like the body of Christ after His resurrection. Christians should have confident faith in what the Lord will continue to do both in and though them by the Holy Spirit. Every believer who is clothed in the righteousness that is found only in Christ will not be ashamed. The Holy Spirit is assurance for the Christian. He increases, improves, and develops the knowledge that we should not lose heart. All the trials and problems we are facing will quickly pass away. We do not lose heart because the Holy Sprit keeps us confident in a future hope.

Click here to listen: We Do Not Lose Heart

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