Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Have This Mind In You

The spirit of Antichrist is the spirit of self-exaltation. Christians are to have the mind of Christ at all times and not exalt themselves above God. Selfishness keeps the world from seeing Christ in Christians. The world and the Church have become selfish, but this is not true Christianity! Christ made Himself of no reputation. He purposely laid aside his respect and dignity. By the Holy Spirit alone hearts can be purified and changed from glory to glory by the Holy Spirit. When one acts upon the teachings of the Gospel they will be changed. Beware of being influenced by the world and the enemies of God around us. Do not be molded or shaped by the world and the opinions of the world. Anyone can become corrupted when they live in contact with the word, but can be transformed by living out the Gospel. A Christian must pursue the mind of Christ. Jesus humbled Himself and emptied Himself until He hung dead upon the cross. Christ took the form of a servant and humbled Himself. The example that Christians are called to follow is of humiliation and obedience. Men fall by pride but are lifted up by humility. Christians must lay aside pride. Christians are partakers of God’s riches, but do not own anything. The way of Christ is low and humble. Love is the peak of all virtue and humility is the foundation. Christians are to be humble and must come through the lowly entrance of repentance. After repentance Christians pick up their cross and the old man will be crucified. Worldly possessions will be stripped away. But if one is in the likeness of Christ they will be raised again. And the likeness of Christ is humble obedience to God.

Click here to listen: Have This Mind In You

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