Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Be Imitators of God

Paul encourages the Church to be imitators of God. The Church cannot let the standards of the world pull a veil over their eyes. Sin lies all around, the Church must turn away from it. Enthusiasm for created things cannot replace love for God. Awake! No longer live in ignorance! Do not covet the things that will perish. The sanctified life is not bland, when one lives for the glory of God with enthusiasm they will be blessed. Christians must walk in the light, not darkness. The Christian can either become an imitator of God or they will long after the world and Egypt. If one tries to live between the two with half-hearted ways they will fall into pessimism and laziness. Christ was enthusiastic to live out the will of God. There is nothing wrong with being passionate and having emotions, but one must not be entangled with the sinful things of the world. Bring every thought into obedience to Christ! Emotion is not evil. The Holy Spirit energizes emotions for God. The Christian must have emotion about the things of God. If not one will be only focused on learning and intellect. They will hear God’s Word read and preached but will do nothing about it unless their emotions are engaged. But all must be aware of hyper-emotionalism as well. We cannot desire attention to be drawn to us. The emotional life must be kept in check. Christ never put Himself first. He submitted to God and served others. Christians are free to be the Lord’s slaves. We are to use freedom to be slaves of God. One who has mature Christian faith will be given energy, brilliance, and creativity. The Holy Sprit reveals our nature so we can become imitators of God and surrender to His work in our lives.

Click here to listen: Be Imitators of God

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