Friday, September 11, 2015

Walk In The Light As He Is In The Light

God is light and only through Him can one become enlightened. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If a person claims to know God and does not walk in the light they are liars. If one lives in sin and practices sin their profession of faith is false. You cannot practice sin and walk in the light! To be of the truth is to obey and live the truth. One must know God, walk in the light, and seek perfect love. The truly regenerated live lives of purity and holiness. Then there is fellowship with one another as one walks in the light they are cleansed through faith. In order to turn to Christ by faith one muse know that they are sinners. If one is self-righteous the truth is not in them. The only way to salvation is through repentance. There is no purity while one is living in sin. But through repentance, faith, regeneration, and justification one can be reconciled to God. Every person has a choice of where they will spend eternity. God calls us to obey the Word of the Lord. The way of life is to obey the Word of God; the way of death is to turn away from His Word. It is the narrow and difficult way that leads to life. This way will result in persecution and will be a cause of great trouble. There are few who find it! God calls Christians to strive to enter! There is nothing about the Christian journey that will be pleasing to the flesh. The broad way offers what the carnal mind desires, but it is the way of death. To hear the words of God is not enough they must be obeyed. To walk in the light is to conduct life in the way of truth, knowledge of God, and holiness. Will you walk in the light as He is in the light?

Click here to listen:Walk In The Light As He Is In The Light

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