Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Great Conflict

Jesus made it clear that Satan had nothing in Him. Nothing Satan offered attracted Him or ruled over Him, even for a moment. Jesus stayed out of the great conflict because His love for God prevailed over all other loves that tried to compete with His devotion. Jesus remained obedient to His Father out of pure love. Anyone can avoid the great conflict by receiving God’s Word and being doers of the Word. The great conflict is whether one is willing to trust and obey God or if they will continue thinking that they are the greatest authority in their life. There must not be a lack of faith, nor an idolatrous heart! Elijah asks the people of Israel how long they will falter between two opinions before they make a decision. Where do you stand amongst the great conflict? Jesus commands His disciples to abide in His love. To do this one must continue walking by faith even in the midst of trials. One who puts faith in Christ but no longer trusts Him fully will become dried up and wither. If one does abide in Christ by faith they will bear fruit and do what Jesus commands. This will all result in true love. It is a love for God that results in a love for one another. Christians are commanded to be rich in good works, faithful, and successful in spreading the Gospel. Christians are not to be idle and consumed with the things of this world, but instead are called to do good and spread the rich spiritual blessings of the Gospel. All of this will result in persecutions. The world does not love Christ or Christians. All Christians who live for Christ will suffer persecution. There is no excuse for sin or disobedience to His commands. Where do you stand amongst the great conflict?

Click here to listen: The Great Conflict

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