Monday, September 14, 2015

No Flesh Will Glory In His Presence - by Benjamen Leahey

The Church of Corinth lived in the midst of a wicked society and was struggling to overcome its influences. They lacked love, looked to man, and sought gifts to satisfy their own lusts. They forgot the real power was in the Gift Giver! The Church of our day is falling into the same trap. The words of Paul speak as much in our day as they did to the Corinthians. What is the message of the cross to us? It is Christ and Him crucified! We are to die that Christ may live in us. Depending on what people do with the message of the cross they will either begin to be saved by God or they will begin to perish. If one refuses the message of the cross they will begin to become futile in their minds. But this is their own choice. One must yield to the cross daily! Do not fall into false ways of thinking! We are saved by simple faith. The world is distracted and looking for other ways because they refuse the simplicity that is in Christ. Do not become offended because of the Gospel. God has chosen the opposite of what the world thinks. We must each consider and make a decision to surrender and lay down our lives before Him. There is nothing that qualifies us for His calling. We must see ourselves as nothing but sinners clinging to the cross of Jesus Christ! God has chosen empty vessels that are ready to be filled, those who know that they are power in Spirit and in need of God. Those who know they are nothing. No flesh has any right to boast or glory; all must be cast before Him! He alone is worthy! To us who are being saved it will be by God alone. No flesh shall glory in His presence. He alone is the source of our salvation and we must walk in daily dependence upon Him.

Click here to listen: No Flesh Will Glory In His Presence

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