Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Resurrected Life

The resurrected life means newness of life, living for God, and being a slave to God. The resurrected life is a life lived in obedience to God. The first condition of the resurrected life is to walk in newness of life. This begins when one believes in Jesus Christ and they are forgiven through faith. All truly regenerated Christians are raised with Christ to a new life. The newness of life means to walk with conviction, confidence, and assurance because the old life is dead and buried with Christ. All that God’s Word calls sinful is dead and the believer is united with Christ. In order to be united with Christ one must be separated from sin. The change is so complete that in Christ all the old things have passed away. The person who has received Christ by faith has become a partaker of the Holy Spirit and the old man has been put to death. God allows mankind to live independent from Him if they choose, but this independence separates one from God. A person who chooses to ignore the Word of Life while they are living will suffer the punishment of dying spiritually for all of eternity. In order to be made alive from the dead a person must walk in the way of the Lord, not their own way. This way of the Lord begins with saving grace but continues on in sanctifying grace. The Christian must endure until the end and lay aside all sin! A person can either obey sin leading to death, or they can obey God which leads to righteousness. A person who has been made alive by the grace of God cultivates the fruits of holiness in their lives. They are no longer ashamed because they are no longer evil, faithless, and rebellious. They are living the resurrected life.

Click here to listen: The Resurrected Life

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