Sunday, September 20, 2015

Be Filled With the Fullness of God

Recorded in this passage is a prayer of Paul that the Church would be filled with the Holy Spirit, understand the fullness of God, and be conformed into the perfect image of Jesus Christ. The fullness of God is seen in the Divine Nature of God and in every maturing Christian being transformed into the image of Christ. The Church needs inner strength today more than ever! But the Church has lost its strength because it looks to the world for strength and entertainment. Too many other things have replaced prayer. The Church has forgotten that only the Holy Sprit brings power. The heart can only be purified through faith. Only by the Holy Spirit can the Church overcome! God desires for all Christians to live in victory! No longer as children of wrath, but living in the victory of faith! People by themselves do not possess the power they need; only by faith in Christ is it possible! Christ dwells in the heart by faith. The more one lives by faith, the more they will become aware of Christ in them. Faith is a commitment to the lordship of Christ and this leads to obedience. Christians must remain firm in their love of Christ unto perfection. Each believer must personally seek to grasp God’s eternal plan of salvation! All must ask God for a fuller understanding of the Bible and the Truths of Christianity! The end of all of this is love. The Christian is to be rooted and grounded in love. As one comprehends the love of God they will be changed from within! Faith must take over and dominate the life of the Christian. To know the love of Christ and be filled with fullness of God is not dependent on self but allowing God to do the work through faith.

Click here to listen: Be Filled With the Fullness of God

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