Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shine As Lights In The World

The prayer of Paul was, “that I might know Him.” This knowledge is the result of self-renunciation. Where Christ is of superior value to all things. It is an experiential knowledge. Paul left behind his whole unconverted life and he suffered, but in the process the power of Christ came upon him. The mind of Christ is humble and self-renouncing. Christ abandoned Himself entirely to God; He was obedient to the point of death. The Christian must be united in the likeness of Christ’s death. Jesus went to the cross and all who follow Him must do the same. Christians are to have a fear, obedience, and reverence for God’s Word. This is the only way to God. Christians are called to be workers together with Christ. God gives power to will, to do, and to act. But God does not do it all for us, we must will, do, and act. Christians are to work out their own salvation and be willing to obey. No one deserves this grace, but God gives it anyway. God gives all anyone needs to attain salvation and all can do and act if they are willing to. The result of obedience to God is Christ-like character. Christians are to become blameless and pure. They are no longer a part of the crooked and perverse generation that does not obey God. The regenerated person ahs received a new nature. We must shine as lights in the world! If you are not shining it is because you are not living in purity, simplicity, and focus upon God. The Church must shine the light of Christ. The Church is the only hope for this generation! The Church must offer people the Gospel and pour themselves out for others so they might be saved. Are you willing to pray with Paul, “that I might know Him?”

Click here to listen: Shine As Lights In The World

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