Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Good Fruits of Repentance

One sin that impacts all of mankind is the sin of religion. John the Baptist uses “brood of vipers” to describe those who are driven by religious zeal. The world today still suffers from hypocritical religion. There are those who boast in Orthodoxy, like the Pharisees, and those who boast in higher criticism, like the Sadducees. All of them make an outward show of religion but do not repent. All must repent! God is no respecter of persons; one must bear fruits worthy of repentance! Repentance is the first condition in order to be prepared for Heaven. There must be a change. Un-repented sin will lead people to hell. Fruitfulness and faithfulness are the only true signs of change. The religious person who claims to listen to a religion that goes against God is mistaken and bound for hell. You cannot follow a religion of your own designing! This is lawlessness! Christ did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law. Sometimes religious people listen to demonic spirits that even drive the to kill others in the name of their religion. Religion often produces pride, which leads one to look down upon others. Each born again Christian has received the Pearl of Great Price. How precious is that Pearl to you? What fruit are you bringing forward? Who have you led to Christ? Do you show the love of Christ? Do you bear fruit? Or have you grown unfruitful? We have no business in the garden unless we bear fruit. There is a point when the day of grace will end. Religious people are completely focused on self and not on others. Repentance is moving beyond conviction; it leads one to action and change. Have you truly repented? Or are you merely religious?

Click here to listen: The Good Fruits of Repentance

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