Sunday, August 30, 2015

Do You Bear Witness of Jesus Christ?

John the Baptist saw Jesus, but others did not. Today many have heard about Jesus Christ. Many even claim to believe in Him, but most do not know Him personally. John the Baptist had a desire to be more like Jesus. Like Paul he was forgetting what was behind, and pressing forward to what is ahead. John bore witness of Christ, he did not only see Him, and he wanted to be like Him. Every Christian life must identify itself with the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, and this takes place when we bear witness of who Jesus really is. John proclaimed Christ as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The more John’s life bore the testimony of grace and truth, the more John became like Christ. Does your life bear witness of Jesus Christ? There is a difference between those who behold Christ and those who bear witness of Christ. These are those who “receive Him,” and bear witness that God is true. What is your daily testimony? Do you bear witness that the Word became flesh and now dwells in you? Jesus is only glorified in us as we bear witness that He is the Truth. Christians must believe and live their lives proclaiming Jesus as the Truth. Do you bear witness that Jesus Christ is the truth? The first test to see if the character of Christ dwells in you is belief. Faith, belief, and obedience are all synonymous. The first sign is belief. Next is to receive Him and accept Him as Lord in order to be born again. Then, when one is born again they bear witness of Christ and begin to have the character of Christ dwell in them. Every Christian realizes that Christ is superior. Do you bear witness of Jesus Christ? Are you preparing the way for the Lord?

Click here to listen: Do You Bear Witness of Jesus Christ?

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