Saturday, September 24, 2016

Is There Anything Too Hard For Me?

In the court of the prison, as the armies of the Chaldeans are beginning to surround Jerusalem, Jeremiah receives a word from the Lord. The Lord tells Jeremiah to buy the field of his cousin according to the regulations of the Levitical Law. Jeremiah makes a very public decision to buy the field. This is a decision that Jeremiah was making by faith, he made it public, he signed it, he sealed it, and he made sure that everyone around him knew it. He is making a bold declaration of faith before all who had gathered to witness this event. Jeremiah believed what God had promised. He knew that “houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land.” This is a declaration of faith against everything that he can see before his eyes or anticipating with his mind! This is contrary to hope, in hope believing! Jeremiah knows the God that he serves! He knows that God is Sovereign! Jeremiah knows that no matter what the situation looks like, not matter how his circumstances appear, he knows that God is great in power and nothing is too hard for the LORD! But he also knows that God must punish the sins of the people of Judah because He is perfectly Holy, Just, and Good. Jeremiah knows all the signs and wonders that He had performed on behalf of the Israelites in the past. Jeremiah knows that if the people would repent that God would move on their behalf again. Jeremiah’s faith is tested. He sees the siege mounds. He sees the Chaldean armies. But Jeremiah remained fully convinced that He who had promised is able to perform. We are not responsible for the future. We are responsible to do what God has commanded for us to do today. The rest is in the Sovereign hand of God.
Click here to listen: Is There Anything Too Hard For Me?

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