Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Don't Lose the Vision

The people of Israel at this time had forgotten the vision that God had called them to. They had settled into a comfortable life. They worked to provide for their family and build up their houses. But they had lost the vision. They were called to rebuild the Temple, but their zeal and excitement has been replaced by apathy. Those around them and the situation they were in had frustrated their efforts. We must build even when we do not see clearly. We must have faith in the vision that God has given! We must believe that God will do a work in our day as He has done a work in the past! God has called us in our day to the establishment of His Kingdom upon the earth! God have given the Church of today a vision, we must not be distracted. God wills to use us for His purposes. The people of Israel needed to be reminded of their vision. The people had become caught up in individual pursuits. They had put time into their own houses, but they were neglected the Lord’s House. They had time and resources for everything but the vision. In this state they are called to examine themselves and consider their ways. They must get back to building the Temple again! Do not be drawn away from the vision. God has not failed. God calls us to walk by faith. We must embrace the vision. We may not see it all fulfilled, but we must hold on to the vision and the work that God has called us to. We must prepare for the vision; we must persevere in following God’s call on our lives. We must see that He has given us a purpose to fulfill in this time! We must be diligent and faithful and not become discouraged by the outcome. God will fill the Temple with His glory.
Click here to listen: Don't Lose the Vision

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