Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I Count All As Loss

Paul gave the right to his own life away when he came to Christ. He laid aside the temptations to advance in this life and he let go of the comforts of this world. Paul was willing to count the things of this world as loss for the sake of Christ. He knew he could trust God for all the provision he needed to fulfill the vision God had called him to. False teaching puts the focus of people on the earth and not upon God. Paul at one time had a comfortable idea of what his life was going to be like. He had a plan for the future. Paul now counted all things as rubbish that he may gain Christ. He was faced with the emptiness of his pursuit. We must lay aside the “American Dream” for the sake of Christ. We cannot focus on the things of this world and let go of the call of God on our lives. The Gospel is changing the earthly for the eternal. Even in the midst of struggle and hindrances he moves forward toward the goal and calling of God. Paul was willing to experience the lack of satisfaction in this world that he may find his satisfaction in Christ. His faith led him to forget the things that were behind and reach forward to what is ahead. Do not let fears and doubts keep you back from moving forward by faith. God is calling us to His vision and will, not to our will. We must overcome self-obsession and over forward to what God has called us to do. We are being called as a body to fulfill this vision and work. Let us have this mind together. As a Church we are to have one mind, we are to forsake our own dreams for the vision of the Body of Christ. Lay aside your will for the will of God. We must lay down our own lives for the sake of God’s call and vision.

Click here to listen: I Count All As Loss

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