Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Will We Bear the Cross with Jesus?

There is a personal nature to Resurrection Sunday, yet people make it a self-indulgent holiday. We live in the time of an ego driven and entitled society and many Churches have followed the culture. Christians are to have a personal identification with the cross. The same path that Christ walked on we are to walk. We are called to deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow after Christ. We are like Simon of Cyrene, compelled to carry the cross and share in the sufferings of Christ. Christ died for our sins, but we must enter in as well. True faith will result in the sacrifice of our will to the will of God. Christ came to die to show us we must die and join in fellowship with His death. There must be a personal identification with His death. We must experience the death of the cross as well. God calls us to enter this life of faith, but it cannot be experienced by proxy. There is a divine will that must be surrendered to. There is a death to be surrendered to and a resurrection to be experienced as well! The one who has died has been set free from past and present sin. To be raised is to have faith and assurance. Christ has opened the way of life. Our relationship with God must be more than knowledge. It must be experience. The death and resurrection is something to live, not only something to know. If you desire to be raised with Christ then reckon yourself to be dead to sin and live to Christ. Do not marvel but enter in. We must be willing to bear our cross with Him. Are you willing to be united with His death and His resurrection? We must fully surrender to Him in order for this to take place.

Click here to listen: Will We Bear the Cross with Jesus?

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