Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Spirit, the Water, and the Blood

To bear record means to witness to give testimony, speak well of or vouch for. The great witness to the moving of God upon the Earth and upon men’s souls has always been the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, the human soul is without form and void. It’s empty until the Holy Spirit enters. He brings chaos and ruin into divine order. The Holy Spirit is our helper. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. Every lofty thought, self centered, impure emotion is changed as the Holy Spirit enters a person. Holy decisions soon follow along with truthful choices. Just as the Holy Spirit hovered over the Earth, so the Holy Spirit hovers over us and in us introducing divine order and life. A person enters the family of God through repentance and faith in Jesus alone. They are then given the Holy Spirit by which they are sanctified and prepared for eternal life. We must surrender our way of thinking and allow it to be replaced with daily obedience to the Lord and to His word. Daily obedience to the Lord is not possible unless one believes. Once you believe, God gives the believer overcoming faith. Only when someone believes on Jesus Christ as Lord and acts according to this faith daily, can they be free. It is only as we practice this truth that we are set free. We must die to self to be fully in the truth. Then every believer is able to overcome sin through the Holy Spirit. To know the Holy Spirit is to know both the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit grants us assurance as a guarantee after we have completely surrendered our life over to Jesus Christ and fully trust Him with our future. Every true believer bears record to the Truth. Does the Holy Spirit bear record in your life?

Click here to listen: The Spirit, the Water, and the Blood

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