Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Peace Be Still

Before one can understand the rest of God they must know the One who gives the soul peace. Christ offered rest to people under an oppressive government and dead, formalized religion. People became overcome by the world. Jesus calls us to come to Him for rest. The disciples lived under a burden of fear in the storm. Their surroundings caused them fear and they did not trust in God. We must have faith enough to overcome our dread and anxiety. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We must trust Him with every aspect of our lives. We must not trust other believers instead of God; if we do we become idolaters. God expects those who claim to know Him to trust in Him. No one is immune to the troubles facing the rest of the world. We must strive to enter Heaven through the narrow gate. Through all trouble He is with us. Christians are to have the same spirit as Christ. We are condemned to die. This death is to self. We must examine ourselves, discipline ourselves, and hold onto Christ in all difficulties living out our faith in everyday trials. The things God promised will come to pass. Rejoice that you have a personal relationship with the One who makes all good things come to pass. Don’t get caught up in the things that come to pass. We must trust in God who raises the dead. Our greatest desire must be Christ magnified in our body. We must not be like the disciples in the storm. We must see storms as delightful and not as disastrous. Are you a conqueror? It starts with repentance, consecration, and faith.

Click here to listen: Peace Be Still

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