Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Living Hope

This passage is full of earnest exhortation from Peter who knew from his own experience the certainty of the Christian’s faith, and the sure unshaken foundation of the Christian’s hope. It is full of comfort, which only a true Christian, rich in faith and love can give to the suffering. This hope is known by faith, a hope that is certain if we will continue to persevere, and a hope that is the promise to the believer of their continual transformation into the likeness of Christ. We must learn now to trust in the sovereign hand of God, to learn in adversity to trust in the working of His might hand, to see as mature believers the reality of the things we face, to learn no longer to be self-centered and focused on our own comfort. Instead we must learn to be living sacrifices, to surrender to the Father’s hand, to live for the glory of God, to live to be a blessing to others and serve them. We can either be molded into the vision God is revealing or we can remain, as we are unequipped for the days ahead. What has He laid ahold of us for? It is that we may be partakers of His divine nature and that we having persevered through this life may finally enter into glory. This is our hope, both sure and steadfast. God has laid hold of us for this purpose and He will fulfill that which is His divine wisdom to do. To truly know this is to know surrender, to see God as the Sovereign One and to lay ourselves at His feet unconditionally. This is the example of Christ, the Apostles, and the Prophets. We must entirely surrender our rights to His divine plan and will.

Click here to listen: A Living Hope

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