Sunday, January 17, 2016

That Your Name May Be Magnified

It was during a time of dwelling and rest that David was tempted with a religious temptation. He began comparing his own dwelling place to where the Ark of the Lord was. And from this place of reflection David was inspired with a religious dream and vision of what he was going to do for God. But in doing this he was running ahead of the LORD. Both David and Nathan go ahead with this idea before consulting God about it. They began to focus on building a house of cedar rather than shepherding the people of God. The LORD speaks to David, showing Himself to be the omnipotent and sovereign One! God makes clear all the works He has done on behalf of David and how his exalted state, providential blessings, and salvation are from Him alone. David is shown that he is seeking to finish in the flesh what was begun in the Spirit. David is not to stretch out his hand in his own way to finish the work that the LORD had begun. Salvation is by grace alone and God is the sole author of salvation, but one must submit to His grace, surrender to His working, and yield their will to his will or there is no hope for salvation. David is not going to build God a house; God is going to build Himself a house! God is going to use David to raise up a seed! To set up a kingdom! And this was all going to take place through Jesus Christ. And Christ was going to raise up a Church through regeneration and fill the Church with His Holy Spirit. This would be the house that David longed to build! David is speechless and overcome by this revelation. And in a state of realizing his unworthiness he surrenders his religious dreams and visions to the LORD and surrenders to God’s will for his life.

Click here to listen:That Your Name May Be Magnified

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