Sunday, January 3, 2016

Everyone Who Has This Hope

John is encouraging believers to become established in the truth. Because of what Christ has done we have been offered the way of salvation, sanctification, and hope in the cross. This is all based on faith. All assurance is based on faith in what Christ has done! We must lay hold by faith onto what Christ has done. Many antichrists have come. The Church has lost its vision and reality of the heart. Society is unstable but we must be stable in Christ by faith. We must be consistent, strong, and stable. God is calling us to maturity and perfection! We must have faith in confidence in the cross of Christ. True security only comes to those who decide to give themselves entirely to Christ. God has granted to us in Christ to know Him fully. This is the way to peace with God. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, but will we follow? Rest in the simplicity that is found in Christ! Do not entertain thoughts that will lead you away from the truth. Do not look for a quick and easy way. The cross alone is the way to our salivation. We must persevere in the truth we have received. The failure of the Church has been not to obey what has been given them to obey. This is how heresies are born. We must give ourselves to truth and doctrine. Do not look for new or exciting things. Christ must be everything. Allow nothing to come along that will dislodge the truths found in Christ. Continue in what you know to be true. Abide in Him that we may have confidence at His coming. Let us purify ourselves as He is pure and be holy as He is holy. Let His work be the foundation of our life in the cross. Let us have confidence that this work He has begun He will complete.

Click here to listen: Everyone Who Has This Hope

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