Monday, October 5, 2015

Life In the Spirit

Paul exhorts all Christians to walk in the Spirit and to not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. How can a Christian walk to become so filled with God’s Holy Spirit that they are no longer governed by the prevailing ungodly culture that tries to dictate to their minds and actions? To answer this question one must look at the difference between the Soul and the Spirit. The Soul includes the seat of the senses, desires, affections, appetites, which humans all have in common with animals. The Spirit is the part of the soul that directly relates mankind to God. God breathed into mankind His breath. The Spirit is the center of self-consciousness, emotions, and will. God and humans are spiritual beings and this allows them to have a personal relationship. Paul describes in Romans 7 the battle in the mind between walking in the Spirit and walking in the Soul. The answer to this dilemma is to be born again, born from above. Not until one is born again can one truly see. When a person comes into personal contact with the sinless Savior of the world and repents of their sin and makes a decision to follow after Christ God places His Spirit in them. This is regeneration. From there the Christian must put to death the old man and live life in the newness of the Spirit. The Christian is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is how God prepares one for Heaven. The Soul must stay at rest in order for God to give the individual life. It cannot dominate the Christian again! The Christian must be renewed in their knowledge of God the Creator. This is true Sanctification. The Christian is walk in a way that is spiritually minded. Not carnally minded. Do you want to enjoy life in the Spirit?

Click here to listen: Life In the Spirit

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