Saturday, September 9, 2017

A Heavenly Country

Hebrews 11 describes stories of faithful men and women in the Bible. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. We must understand faith correctly because eternal life is hinged upon faith. In order for anyone to come to God, he must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. Noah believed God, so he moved with godly fear. The act of building the ark didn’t save Noah, but his faith in God that moved him to build the ark saved him. Abraham was called out of his country to a place that God would show him in the future. He went out motivated by only a promise of God. He obedience was proof of his faith in God. Have you ever gone out with only faith in God’s promises? Are you willing to go out to the place of your eternal inheritance, believing in God’s promises? Our faith grows through trials, challenges, and failures. When Sarah was told she would bear a son, she laughed in doubt and unbelief. God needed to break these down in her through reproof. God asks her, and us, this question: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” May this question cause inner reflection and examination. Are you in the midst of an impossible situation? Has God given you a promise in the midst of this situation? God will give you strength and grace. Pray through this challenge until you receive strength. The patriarchs died not seeing the promise, but seeing it afar off, and were assured of God’s promises. There will be temptation to go back, just like the patriarchs, but they did not return because they desired a better country. Pray for greater desire for the Lord and for the heavenly country to which you were called!

Click here to listen: A Heavenly Country

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